Magda Erockfor Ayuk

• Bilingual creative writer with 17 years of professional experience creating engaging content for both print and the web

• Seasoned marketing professional crafting the product positioning, social marketing strategy and go-to-market strategy for B2C companies that sell digital products and services

    adidas Sport eyewear--English to French Translation

    NE LAISSEZ PAS VOTRE VUE ÊTRE UN HANDICAP SUR LE TERRAIN Voici James. Il a une petite cinquantaine, est marié et sera bientôt grand-père. James travaille en tant que cadre supérieur dans une maison d'édition au centre-ville. Il est également un mordu de golf et prépare actuellement son départ à la retraite afin de pouvoir passer plus de temps sur le vert. James est un individu fortuné qui aime les voitures de sport de luxe. La santé physique et le maintien de la forme sont deux choses importantes pour lui. Lorsqu’il ne joue pas au golf, James adore courir avec ses amis. Pour lui, un mode de vie sain est important; il rend visite à son médecin et à son ophtalmologiste pour des bilans de santé réguliers. James est un passionné de golf et préfère porter des lunettes de soleil de prescription lorsqu’il est sur le terrain ou lorsqu’il s’adonne à d'autres sports de plein air.

    15 Business Lessons We Can Learn From The Walking Dead's Negan

    AMC's The Walking Dead knows exactly how to evoke emotion. I mean, I know I’m not the only one who’s cried during an episode (or two). But, who knew it could also teach us business lessons?! This season’s villain Negan is said to be the worst the group has encountered thus far. At this point, the group is barely afraid of zombies. Humans are one interesting species. You’d think a common threat would make us band together. But, alas, it just made lawlessness prevail.

    15 Companies That Died Because of One Bad Decision

    Running a business is not for the faint of heart. One day, you could be on top of the world; the next, it all could come crashing down. I’m not being dramatic, either. Some companies make one simple mistake, and just like that - pouf! They’re out of business. If you want to make a ton of money in business and potentially become 100% location-independent, there are certain rules in business that need to be applied.

    YouTube Star and Sexpert Shannon Boodram: Money, Relationships, and Becoming Successful

    How hard are you willing to work to be successful? For most of us mortals, success is usually preceded by periods of discomfort and drought as we make our way to the promised land. In this interview, Shannon Boodram, successful Youtuber, author and clinical sexologist, shares how she went from broke to landing a deal with MTV and appearing on The View. Like Mike a few weeks ago, Shannon lets us in on her money situation.